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Thursday, May 8, 2014

طريقة إنشاء أكشن خاض بك على الفوتوشوب/ how to creat your action in photoshop

VHey YOU, can I have a minute of your time? THANK YOU

Years ago I got introduced to the movie the secret and the concept of the law of attraction and that i create my reality, when I tried it I failed and I let go of the idea and went on living my life until I come across something else that you could say the missing piece of the puzzle and I THINK it may be the answer to your conscious or unconscious question/prayer, and I emphasis the word I think it, which means it is just my opinion and  I could be WRONG and wrong in this case just means not for you because everyone's different and everyone is on his own unique path. thank you for your precious time and I apologize for the interruption

here is the link to the training YOU, can I have a minute of your time? THANK YOU

Years ago I got introduced to the movie the secret and the concept of the law of attraction and that i create my reality, when I tried it I failed and I let go of the idea and went on living my life until I come across something else that you could say the missing piece of the puzzle and I THINK it may be the answer to your conscious or unconscious question/prayer, and I emphasis the word I think it, which means it is just my opinion and  I could be WRONG and wrong in this case just means not for you because everyone's different and everyone is on his own unique path. thank you for your precious time and I apologize for the interruption

here is the link to the training YOU, can I have a minute of your time? THANK YOU

Years ago I got introduced to the movie the secret and the concept of the law of attraction and that i create my reality, when I tried it I failed and I let go of the idea and went on living my life until I come across something else that you could say the missing piece of the puzzle and I THINK it may be the answer to your conscious or unconscious question/prayer, and I emphasis the word I think it, which means it is just my opinion and  I could be WRONG and wrong in this case just means not for you because everyone's different and everyone is on his own unique path. thank you for your precious time and I apologize for the interruption

here is the link to the training 

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى و بركاته
و أهلا ومرحبا بكم في تدوينة جديدة و التي ستعلمك  طريقة إنشاء أكشن خاص بك على الفوتوشوب
قد يتسائل البعض ما هو الأكشن action
 الأكشن هو عبارة عن  عدة تعديلات على الصور و يمكن  الضغط على أيقونة الأكشن لتقوم بتطبيق تلك التأتيرات على صور أخرى دون الحاجة للقيام بكل المراحل للحصول على تلك النتيجة . و في هده التدوينة سأعلمك طريقة إنشاء أكشن خاص بك  و حسب دوقك .

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